Thursday 5 November 2009

Annemarie Allan visits Drummond

Author, Annemarie Allan, visited Drummond recently to speak to students about her latest novel, "Breaker".  You can listen to the interview here.  The quality is not the best, but audible all the same!

Saturday 23 May 2009


25th - 29th May is Independent Learning and Homework Week which is a focus on learning outside of the classroom.

Homework is just one way of extending your learning, but it is important to realise how your experiences outside of school connect with your learning in school and how you can develop the life skills you need to become a more independent learner. If you actively seek to extend your learning, then you will have a greater depth of knowledge about the world around you.

Your teachers will be awarding extra ASPIRE points for any student that has displayed an independent approach to learning.

Wednesday 6 May 2009


Anas Ousellam in S1 put together a little tune using Garage Band on the Mac. Considering he had no help with this, it's a very impressive piece of music!

Listen to Anasbeats here

Wednesday 4 February 2009


Election was based around the TV series The Apprentice and saw 10 young people battle through various tasks and challenges to become the ultimate winner. The final episode was filmed in the school where the 3 remaining contestants taught a short Science lesson to Drummond students. The DCHS students then voted on who delivered the best lesson. As you can imagine - being hosted by Jonathan Dimbleby - the series had a political flavour to it and was also designed to test and develop the leadership skills of those competing.

Tuesday 3 February 2009

Holocaust Memorial Day 2009

On Tuesday 27 January 2009, our Head Teacher and Captains (William Ross, Niloo Khan, Gursevak Singh and Jessica Swift) were invited to The Scottish Parliament to see the award winning play, 'And Then They Came For Me', be performed to commemorate National Holocaust Memorial Day. The play tells the story of Eva Schloss, Anne Frank's step-sister, a Holocaust survivor. The following day, the play was performed in Drummond CHS and we were honoured to have Eva Schloss as our guest of honour.This clip is part of the coverage of the story from BBC Reporting Scotland.

Tuesday 27 January 2009

Reporting Scotland Asthma Report

BBC Scotland Report on Asthma, featuring the PE Department

Triplets and Twins

A report on STV's Scotland Today, featuring our S1 triplets and twins

Monday 13 October 2008

Sunday 12 October 2008

Studywiz Demo

Here's a demonstration video showing you how to log onto Studywiz, Edinburgh's Virtual Learning Environment.

Thursday 12 June 2008

The People Video Edit 3

The People Video Edit 2

The People Video Edit 1

The S1 (now S2) Extension Homework Students were involved in a video project on the morning of Friday 6th June. 5 groups were given the task to produce a short video which would provide information about what it's like to be an S1 student at Drummond. All the students performed brilliantly in what was quite a difficult task. All 5 groups reached the editing stage and most very nearly completed their video in the short time they were given.

It is hoped that these videos will be used to show to P7 students who will be joining us after the summer. Posted here are 3 versions of a video put together by one of the groups. Come back soon for more!

Tuesday 27 May 2008

Courtyard Planters

A short slideshow showing the progress of the Eco Group's Courtyard Planter Project.

Thursday 15 May 2008

Art Exhibition 2008 Slideshow

Thursday 1 May 2008

The Drumcast May 2008 SciencePod

The latest edition of 'The Drumcast' has been entered for a competition organised by Cancer Research UK. The SciencePod asked students to think about an issue related to the causes of cancer and to produce a 4 minute podcast on the subject.

Tuesday 15 April 2008

DCHS Prospectus on DVD - A Day In The Life of DCHS

DCHS Prospectus 2008 - A 10 minute video showing Drummond's Learning Community at work

DCHS Prospectus on DVD - Proud

DCHS Prospectus 2008 - Proud - A short video to show why we are proud at Drummond

DCHS Prospectus on DVD - Images

A Slideshow of Images from the 2008 Prospectus

DCHS Prospectus on DVD - A Health Promoting School

Drummond is proud that it was the first school in Edinburgh to achieve Level 2 status in Edinburgh's Healthy Schools Initiative

DCHS Prospectus on DVD - Learning and Teaching

Learning and Teaching at Drummond

DCHS Prospectus on DVD - An Inclusive Ethos

An Inclusive and Positive Ethos is key to Drummond's success

DCHS Prospectus on DVD - ICT

A look at how Information Communications Technology is used to enhance Learning and Teaching

Monday 14 April 2008

DCHS Prospectus on DVD - Celebrating Achievement

Celebrating Achievement at Drummond

DCHS Prospectus on DVD - The Big Event

The Big Event Saturday March 1st 2008 Showcasing the work of Drummond's Learning Community. Camera by Mark Buckingham of S1.

Sunday 13 April 2008

DCHS Prospectus on DVD - Some other things

Just some of the other things we do......

Saturday 24 November 2007

A Health Promoting School

The Health Promoting School Newsletter - Better Health, Better Learning

The Drumbeat Issue 2

The Drumbeat Issue 2

Drummond's Magazine published every term in PDF format.